duminică, 23 mai 2010

URGENT New Report Revealed: The RAW TRUTH about 2012 the government doesn't want you to know...
"Like It Or Not... 2012 Is Coming!"
And the "Warnings of the Maya" are only the tip of a much deeper mystery the US Government has already spent an untold fortune to cover up. Let me show you what they know...
What's really going to happen in December of 2012? And how it will affect billions of people forever (including you!).
What you absolutely, positively MUST do to ensure you and your family survives the upcoming ordeal (get it wrong and suffer the consequences)!
Why the governments of the world have been working day and night for decades to ensure their "Secret PLAN" is successful —And why humanity should pray their mission ultimately fails!
This is NOT hype! This is NOT another Y2K, NOT a crackpot conspiracy theory or your garden variety doomsday or end-of-time prediction. No, the universe is far stranger than we could've ever imagined!
I'll Even Prove It To You...
From: James Paul WagnerU.S. Research ConsultantTuesday, 3:47 PM
Dear Fellow Truth Seeker,
If you're sick of all the conspiracy theories and "sky is falling" half-truths out there about the year 2012, then this is the most important report you'll ever read.
Why? Because I, too, had been searching. Searching for some real answers behind the 2012 mystery. And what I discovered will both amaze you and perhaps even frighten you a bit.
You see, I can only reveal what I've discovered and leave it up to you to decide what to do with the information. I won't sugarcoat the truth. I refuse to water it down or offer any "feel-good" new age predictions about any of it.
That's because my unique position has allowed me to tap into the countless research the US government has already done about the year 2012, at great expense to them.
I'll have more to say about that in a moment, but first...
You've probably heard many of the theories floating around out there about 2012. Maybe you Googled 2012 or began reading up on the subject. Perhaps you've wondered if there's any truth to it, and what that truth might mean.
I'm here to tell you that 2012 is a very real threat to our civilization as we know it, but also a tremendous opportunity for those in the know.
But first, let's look at some of the theories you might have heard:
The orbit of Nibiru, also known as "Planet X", is on a potential collision course with earth and will pass within a few miles in 2012, bringing destruction in its wake.
"Global Coastal Phenomena" will begin gradually, but by April 2011 the situation will get much worse. Unusual movements of the Moon brought on by anomalies in the magnetosphere could cause severe coastal disruptions.
A massive crisis begins in late 2009 or early 2010. Israel may bomb Iran, or H1N1 "Swine Flu" could mutate into a level of extreme lethality. Following this crisis, the Obama administration will be immediately thrown into chaos.
An asteroid will collide with the earth, making the tsunami that hit Indonesia in 2004 look like a pond ripple by comparison!
The earth's core will cease to rotate, due to a natural or manmade phenomenon. The result is the total breakdown of this planet's protective magnetic shield against the deadly solar radiation that constantly pounds the atmosphere.
I could go on, but they only get scarier from there. Some of the theories are even quite ridiculous. Our sun exploding or turning into a black hole. A reverse "Big Bang" that created the universe. Brain-eating zombies. Flesh-eating mutants. You know, Hollywood stuff.
No, the real threat is something far more innocent. But it also gives a big "leg up" in the world to those who understand it.
You see, the truth is, in 2012 something is going to happen. It's already starting to happen. Experts disagree on exactly what that something is, but even the cynics out there can't ignore the compelling evidence that continues to pile up even today...
It's No Coincidence That Every Major (And Minor) Religion...Every Organization With Far-Reaching Roots In History...Have Seen This Coming
December 21, 2012.
It's been predicted and foreshadowed throughout history that a life-changing, major event will happen.
What if all these cultural and secular sources are right about earth's final day?
The Ancient Chinese I Ching said history would end in 2012
In the 16th Century, English prophetess Mother Shipton predicted doomsday in 2012
On December 21, 2012, the Mayan calendar will complete its thirteenth cycle. According to the ancient Mayan prophecy, the world will end on that day!
The Bible, Nostradamus and the Hopi Prophecy all predict planet-wide doom as well
It doesn't take a seer or scientist to see that events around the globe have become more turbulent in recent times.
Hurricane Katrina over New Orleans:Could even bigger storms be on the way?
The wars in Afghanistan and Iraq are justtwo examples of the changing conflictsaround the world
From Hurricane Katrina to the Indonesia Tsunami, from 9/11 to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, from earthquakes and floods to record droughts and California wildfires, from the recession to the healthcare and housing crises — the list goes on...
So while most scholars are in agreement that something will happen in 2012, ask twenty different people what and you'll get twenty different answers.
That's because, while there's sufficient evidence to support the notion of a major crisis or catastrophe, the information we have just doesn't pinpoint the cause.
And without the cause, most of us are just "flying blind"!
And That's Where I Come In...
For decades, the US Government has had a secret "Black Ops" program to investigate the most probable scenarios based on what they know about 2012. In fact, they spend $100's of billions of your money on it every year. Recently, they fed all the available data into a sophisticated computer model, designed to evaluate the most likely events to occurr in the 2012 timeframe.
The amount of data collected was MASSIVE — more than 12,346 terabytes of information.
The U.S. Library of Congress itself has only collected about 100 terabytes as of May 2009, so picture more than 123 Libraries of Congress stacked up, and you'd have a better picture of just how much information this really is!
The archives in the Library of Congress would need to be stackedmore than 123 times to equal the amount of data the U.S. government has collected about 2012!
So the super-computers the government used then sifted through all of the data and assigned probability values to each scenario, in order to determine the events that were most likely to happen.
Think of it as a giant sifting machine that puts all the possible events into different categories, and assigns them "threat levels".
According to Bennie Thompson, chairman ofthe House Homeland Security Committee,federal agencies would be in bad shape if amutated strain of H1N1 developed or if thenation faced another public health crisis
Near-Earth asteroid 433 Eros:The odds of it wiping out life on earth are remote,but much better than you winning the lottery!
Who participated in the program? NASA, CIA, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the National Intelligence Council, the Military, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and many other secret organizations from around the world.
What kinds of information was studied? Earth changes, natural disasters, solar and orbit influences on Earth's climate and weather, human consciousness, the evolution of warfare and conflicts around the world, disease and pandemics, quantum theory, you name it, it's in there.
So How Do I Know All This?
After all, it hasn't been talked about in the mainstream media.
I know it because I was hired as a research consultant to oversee portions of the program.
The media isn't discussing it because the government wants to keep the project quiet. Most of the program is classified as "Top Secret".
In fact, due to a non-disclosure agreement, I can't distribute the sensitive files and endless reports that were produced in the program. I shouldn't even be telling you about my own experiences, what I've observed, and most importantly, what the government has known for a very long time.
(I've consulted with my attorney about this, and he has warned me NOT TO DO IT!)
I can't promise you that I have all the answers. But in a sea of misleading and half-baked theories, what I've uncovered is the closest thing out there to the absolute truth and I owe it to humanity to share the TRUTH — whatever the consquencies may be.
That's why I decided to publish my findings, research and observations in a no-holds-barred, revealing manuscript.
In “2012 Secrets Unlocked”, you'll finally learn the truth. You'll discover...
The Full Shocking Plan revealing how governments around the world are working to bring about A New World Order — I'll finally reveal its true pupose and what you can do to fight back while there's still time
The worst place in the world you could possibly be in on December 12, 2012 (and where you'll stand the greatest chance of survival!)
The impact to the world's economy — and which assets you should keep and which ones you should get rid of! Will cash be the ultimate currency? Or will it be... something else?
How the government is secretly poisoning us to weaken our ability to stop their plan — You'll learn the simple steps to reverse what they've already done to you
What the Mayan predictions about global warming and climate change mean for our planet (It's not what you think!)
How the government uses the media to cover its lies and how to look for tell-tale signs that you are being mislead — as we approach 2012, this will be the most critical skill to have to make the "right" life-saving decisions
Who is right? Those predicting the apocalypse (the end of time), or those who see a rebirth of consciousness, a coming renewal?
The scientific evidence for a shift in the earth's magnetic field — and how it will affect all life!
How organized religion — right up to the Pope himself — took great efforts to keep the truth about the future from the rest of the world.
And much much more!
Right now you may be thinking,
“Didn't We Just Go Through This All With The Y2K Scare?What Makes This So Different?”
Crop circles: hoax or warning?
Well, to begin with, Y2K was a man-made problem, due to the way most older computers stored dates (representing 2 digits for the year). When the year flipped from '99 to '00, the computers would think it was 1900.
Depending on the computer's purpose, that could mean anything from getting charged 100 years of interest to more serious problems in air traffic control, utility companies and more.
However, we saw this problem coming and changed the computers over to a 4-digit year format. Problem solved.
The Y2K problem was a minor inconvenience, and certainly not something the ancient Mayans foresaw, much less the Bible, the Hopi Prophecies, the Sumerians and countless other sources throughout history.
“But How Can Anyone Predict The Future?”
Scientists do it all the time. Based on the mass of the sun, the amount of fuel left in it, and the rate it's burning, we can gain a pretty good timeframe as to when it'll burn out and what will happen.
Astronomers have also mapped out the heavens and solar system, including known trajectories of all moving objects. Meteors, asteroids, planets, moons, comets and even space debris. And wait until you see what NASA discovered.
I'll show you in a moment...
The famous 16th century seer, Nostradamus,foresaw the revolutions in France and Russia,the rise and fall of Hitler, the 1970's Arabpower rise, the Pope's attempted assassinationand many more events.His descriptions often gave the actual namesof places and people, the exact dates andother specific details.
Let's also remember that ancient sailors used to navigate by the stars, knowing full well the patterns that would emerge each night and the directions they lead.
Nostradamus and other prophets throughout history have foreseen events with remarkable accuracy, hundreds and even thousands of years in advance.
The clues are all there.
We've witnessed pandemic outbreaks before. We know the H1N1 "swine flu" virus could mutate into something much worse. If not H1N1, then perhaps a drug-resistant strain of bacteria. We've known about these so-called "superbugs" for a long time.
When you think about it, sometimes it's easy to wonder why we DON'T predict more major events!
“What if it's not ONE event that sets catastrophe in motion? What's if it's an ill-timed SERIES of events?”
That's one of the situations the 2012 Team studied.
Instead of one all-powerful disaster that causes the earth's demise, what if a bunch of different events — none of them able to wipe out life on earth by themselves, but occuring together by an unfortunate coincidence of timing — had the power to magnify the damage a thousand-fold?
Just like the earth's conveyor belt,popularized in the sci-fi movieThe Day After Tomorrow, the sun's"great conveyor belt" controls sunspotsand solar storm activity.
For example, a team led by Mausumi Dikpati of the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) announced in 2006 that a major "sun storm" was due to arrive in 2012.
"The next sunspot cycle will be 30% to 50% stronger than the previous one," Dikpati said. If correct, the years ahead could produce a burst of solar activity second only to the historic Solar Max of 1958!
Dikpati's prediction is unprecedented. In nearly two centuries since the 11-year sunspot cycle was discovered, scientists have struggled to predict the size of future maxima — and failed. Solar maxima can be intense, as in 1958, or barely detectable, as in 1805, obeying no obvious pattern.
The key to the mystery, Dikpati realized years ago, is a conveyor belt on the sun.
That puts Dikpati's prediction of a "Solar Max", or the most severe solar storm in more than half a century, on target for the year 2012.
This would cause major disruptions in communications, electrical patterns and weather phenomenon here on earth, but it's not enough by itself to raise much of a panic. But if a handful of other phenomenon were to happen around the same time... well, you get the idea.
“But Isn't All This Stuff Just Conspiracy-Theory Baloney?“
Well, lots of things you've heard are, I'm sure.
The government often releases hoaxes, "crackpot" theories, and other disinformation on purpose to hide the TRUTH.
In fact, many Hollywood movies are created to spead disinformation!
But I'm not talking about popcorn flicks. I'm talking about the evidence gathered by scientists, researchers, abstract thinkers, and some of the best minds I've ever had to opportunity to work with.
When I found Out The TRUTH, I Couldn't Believe It!
Look, I don't claim to be an expert on this subject. But I know many who are. And they're not laughing.
Some scholars believe the 2004 tsunami inIndonesia is a precursor to what lies ahead
I can only promise you the truth. What I've learned from these folks and witnessed firsthand.
After that? Well, you'll have to make up your own mind. I'm not here to tell you how or what to think. I'm giving you the facts to do with as you please.
My goal here is really simple: the more people who know about what the future holds, the better equipped we all are to survive it — maybe even THRIVE in it.
Now that WOULD be something, wouldn't it?
Here's a chance for you and your family to get the inside scoop — straight from the top experts in their fields — on the most likely events that will occur in 2012.
And most importantly: How to survive them!
I'm not kidding when I say this is the most complete and up-to-date source on the subject of 2012.
Here's What I Want To Send To You Right Now...
2012 Secrets Unlocked
Discover The Truth "They" Don't What You To Know

The myths are put to rest in this exclusive journal of theories versus truth, where you'll find out WHO, WHAT, WHERE, WHEN and WHY.
Take a tour through ancient civilizations and prophecies all the way to the present, including which events are most likely to occur leading up to and on December 21, 2012.
This is the ONLY place you'll find this compendium of knowledge collected by the U.S. government from the best and brightest minds today.
This MASSIVE 2012 journal answers the questions you need to know about what the future may hold, including...
All the 2012 prophecies explained, including their sources. The Maya, the Illuminati, the New World Order, the Norse Vikings, the Bible, Mother Shipton, the Hopi Prophecies, Nostradamus, the Order of the Druids... it's all there!
What mainstream media outlets like National Geographic and the History Channel have "left out" of Mayan history (Surprisingly, it has nothing to do with profits or "ratings")
Myths and hoaxes revealed! And why some supposed 2012 "experts" are still treating them as fact.
Why so many clerics and spiritual leaders misinterpret the Bible (Some of them intentionally!)
Which of Notradamus' predictions have really come true, and which ones only "conveniently" surface AFTER the event in question occurs .

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